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Bus Puerto Natales to Torres del Paine: Trip Overview

Bus Puerto Natales to Torres del Paine: Trip Overview

Average ticket price$14
Average bus trip duration3h 15m
Number of daily buses11
Earliest bus departure6:45 AM
Distance51 miles (82 km)
Latest bus departure12:00 PM

Puerto Natales to Torres del Paine Buses

Information on this bus route

Daily Departures11
Earliest and Latest Bus Departures6:45AM - 12:00PM
Minimum Price$14
Average Ticket Price$14
Minimum Trip Duration2h
Average Bus Trip Duration3h15m
Distance51 miles (82 km)
Bus Companies on This RouteBus-Sur
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions for your trip Puerto Natales - Torres del Paine

The bus is the best choice to get to Torres del Paine without a car. The bus provides a cost-effective, safe, and easy way to travel between the two cities. You also have the choice of using carpooling services.

The travel time from Puerto Natales to Torres del Paine is about 3h 15m, but you can get there in as little as 2h with the quickest bus. This is the time it takes to travel the 34 miles (54 km) that separate the two cities.

About 34 miles (54 km) separate Puerto Natales and Torres del Paine.

You can choose from 11 travel times and travel with Bus-Sur. Depending on the day of the week, the number of buses available from Puerto Natales to Torres del Paine may vary. Busbud can make your trip from Puerto Natales to Torres del Paine a breeze! Simply check the schedules and pick the bus that matches your needs and budget. It's that easy!

The bus service has you covered with departures starting at 6:45 AM and ending at 12:00 PM.

If you want the cheapest way to travel this route, pick the bus. $14 is the starting point for the cost-effective bus ride to Torres del Paine from Puerto Natales.

The average price of a one-way ticket from Puerto Natales to Torres del Paine is $14. In the past 30 days, prices have fluctuated between $14 and $24, so it's best to compare them to make sure you get the best deal.

Yes, it's possible to take a day trip from Puerto Natales to Torres del Paine! The round-trip travel time is around 4h. So you'll have enough time to visit Torres del Paine before returning to Puerto Natales in the evening.

About Bus Travel

Bus Travel Tips

Make friends with the driver. They usually know a lot about your destination and may even recommend which side of the bus to sit on to get the best views on the road between Puerto Natales and Torres del Paine!

Much more than a mere vehicle taking you from Puerto Natales to Torres del Paine, riding the bus will expose you to some of the most stunning panoramas while enroute to your final bus stop.

Buses have one of the smallest carbon footprints of motorized transport modes. A bus going from Puerto Natales to Torres del Paine will emit less CO2 than a car or an airplane.

Tune out to the fine sounds of your best music playlist on your bus trip from Puerto Natales to Torres del Paine while indulging in miles on end of beautiful scenic views.

Did you know?

Did you know that 80% of the buses in North America are equipped with WiFi and power outlets ? And 60% of bus travelers have used their electronic device on board during 2014.

The word 'bus' is an abbreviation of 'omnibus" which means 'for all' in Latin as buses were meant to be transportation for everybody.

The bus driver with the longest career in the world drove more than 2,000,000 miles and is a happy World Record holder.

Will you be returning to Puerto Natales by bus?

Bus from Torres del Paine to Puerto Natales

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